Bienvenue en Provence! Passionate about animal rights, yoga, veganism, delicious clean food sourced locally and an organic lifestyle I became a vegetarian around 2002, and went vegan in 2014. My natural curiosity leads me to combine foods from all over the world from places I have traveled to, with a focus on Mediterranean and Provencal dishes. I studied essential oils, their history, extraction and uses for one semester in London. Now I infuse desserts with lavender, mint and other delicious natural aromas. Practice of mindfulness, kindness & ahimsa, nonviolence, one of the yamas of yoga. Awareness meditation: the love we place into the preparation is the love which nourishes us
The foundation: seasonal, organic, local, fresh ingredients The yogic principle of ahimsa, the principle of non-harming which automatically leads to a plant-based/vegan diet Cooking with love & positive energy and with only the best ingredients ... with the best intentions can bring forth a balanced, nutritious and superb meal!